Train Station Lille-Flandres

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Lille, France

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Lighting design

Aartill à Montmorency


SNCF, Gare de Lille Flandres


Lille, France

ElectricianSPIE Villeneuve d’Ascq

The station Lille-Flandres is a head station of the SNCF in the northern French town of Lille. During the refurbishment of the station a new lighting  system was installed in the area of access to the railway tracks. In total 109 luminaires of the XOOLUM™ R HYDRA LD25 in W830 were integrated in the newly created timber ceiling. The luminaires are about 50 cm long and therefore offer appealing decorative accents. From a functional point of view an optimal general lighting is guaranteed by the used quality reflector optics and the strong LED tape.

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