Spa area Hotel Seehof

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Davos, Switzerland

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Irion Architekten AG, Winterthur


Hotel Seehof, Davos


Davos, Switzerland


Daniel Kessler, Zurich

LED Linear™ Partner

LIGHT ON, Zollikon

For the extensive yet windowless rooms of the newly designed spa area in the highly acclaimed 4 Star S Hotel in Davos, LIGHT ON designed especially atmospheric lighting elements: illuminated slides which extend to room height depict beautiful mountain landscapes and create a relaxed and close-to-nature atmosphere. The scenes are changed according to the season. The back-lighting with VarioLED™ Flex ZEUS2 means that the images have an intensive spatial effect. The slides are water resistant and are therefore suitable for outdoor use. The ceiling was set elegantly in scene with VarioLED ™ Flex HYDRA HD6.

Read more about the project on LIGHT ON

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