Q36.5 Flagship Store

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Zurich, Switzerland

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Lighting design

Light On


Ecas AG


Zurich, Switzerland


Light On, Daniel Kessler


Opening of the Q36.5 Flagship store in Zurich

In December 2021, the first Q36.5 Flagship store opened its doors in Zurich. Q36.5 is a manufacturer of bicycle accessories and offers customers comprehensive advice from specialists at the store.

The unique store concept is designed to offer customers a true experience.

In order to realize this concept and to enable an optimal task lighting for the individual products, Light On as planner and executor has realized the lighting concept with the ULTIMA-S NANO.

With their minimalist design and combination of warm white and cool white light colors, the luminaires fit perfectly into the various areas of the Flagship store, thus directing the light invisibly to the merchandise for presentation and also providing razor-sharp lighting effects with a high CRI-value. For the first time, short end caps were used for this project.

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