Mondeal Heights

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Ahmedabad, India

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Lighting design

Atelier dada, India


Blocher Partners, India


H N SAFAL developers


Ahmedabad, India


Purnesh Dev Nikhanj

LED Linear™ Partner

LED Linear™ India

Local Partner

Setu Power

ProductsKALYPSO IP67
Additional DesignFacade Consultants: BES, India

Mondeal Heights project started with a very classical static flood lighting idea for the façade from client and architects where they wanted to highlight the twisted volume of each tower.

Apart finding the best technical approach to highlight the twist with optimization of resources and minimal light pollution, Atelier dada’s pushed further the brief by adding laser beams at top levels of the building where the dynamic programming create the illusion of buildings pushing pulling each other…

These laser beams operate for 1 min at each hour’s beginning, marking the time and evolution of the night.

At the 2nd part of the night, the illumination fade and envelops get enveloped by darkness while their niches transform into huge lanterns flying in the sky to attract Goddess of wealth Lakshmi.

More than 400 KALYPSO True Color HD25 luminaires with a 30° optic were used for the animation of the laser beams. The color temperature is 2000 Kelvin and the pieces are each 327 mm long.

The landscape and interior design are done discreetly, in harmony with the architectural and landscaping intent, where focus was energy conservation and respect of the low-cost budget to client.

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