Gare de Lyon Espace Diderot

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Paris, France

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Paris, France

DistributorLighting 451
Design OfficeLes Eclairagistes Associés Raphael Jayol
ElectricianElesco, AREP

The „Gare de Lyon“ is one of the most significant railway stations in Europe and a popular visitor attraction in Paris. It is illuminated and highlighted with the XOOMINAIRE™ 4292 to create a direct and a indirect lighting. This enables the illumination of the shop windows just as it guides visitors and provides orientation. The „Gare de Lyon“ is a great achievement and because of its difficult environment, an excellent proof of the creation of a complex lighting solution. The work itself, but also the collaboration between the end customer, the electricians and the lighting designer makes it a place, everybody feels welcome and relaxed.

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