Façade lighting, Elverket

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Växjö, Sweden

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Lighting design

Cecilia Eklind, Kent Hulusjö, WSP Ljusdesign




Växjö Energi


Växjö, Sweden


Patrik Sundström, Bläck & Co Reklambyrå AB

LED Linear™ Partner


ProductsADONIS IP67

Inspired by turn-of-the-century mill buildings, Växjö Energi AB's electricity supply building was modernized in two stages to create a characterful and inviting building. A highlight of the building are the seating niches set into the south wall, whose crimson color and striking structure are accentuated by the ADONIS ARCHITECTURAL IP67 LED luminaires, inviting passers-by to take a quiet moment away from the street. The indirect lighting below the roof of the main building accentuates the metal structure and gives the building a powerful and unmissable appearance.

See more here.

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